Year 2013 recorded dozens of strange accidents where drivers or train drivers reacted inside out, or did not react at all.
Year 2013 has been, until now, one of the major road and rail disasters. Experts believe that all these misfortunes have a common cause: extremely violent solar activity lately. Electromagnetic waves emitted by the star of the day can interrupt the responsiveness of the best drivers in the world.
Analysis of major traffic accidents, rail and air disasters in the last 2-3 years has shown an alarming increase in of cases caused by human factor. Strangely, most of these tragic events have left without explanation, meaning that drivers and train drivers, although best professionals, reacted strangely on routes they knew very well. Why?
Waves affect the brain
Analyses of specialists of the highest scientific level showed that most of those involved in such tragic events have had moments of brain disorder and distortion of common sense before the accident. Not well appreciated distances, have not braked in time or simply did not see the next obstacle. The conclusion was that disturbance of brain activity was determined by electromagnetic waves emitted by the sun. It is known that solar activity has increased continuously from 2010 onwards and subject Terra to a bombardment of increasingly violent wave ultraviolet, infrared waves, radio-electromagnetic or plasma.
For this case, the most dangerous are electromagnetic waves jams brain activity in short bursts of no more than a few seconds. These are at the origin the avalanche of disasters the last period.
Montenegro. A bus with tourists crashed 30 meters off a cliff. The accident resulted in 18 dead and 29 wounded. Bus driver was professional driver. However inexplicably came at high speed in a dangerous curve where he had to run 50 miles per hour.
Venezuela. Bus Accident with 16 people killed. At least 16 people died and 36 were injured after a bus collided with a truck in Gaurico Venezuelan state, in center of the country. After impact, produced after the driver lost control and the bus swerved into oncoming, both vehicles caught on fire. First investigations of the police reveal that the bus driver lost control of the car due to a hole in the road.
Santiago de Compostela – Spain. A train which runs with a speed of 190 km per hour on a stretch where there is a speed limit of 80 km per hour, derailed in a curve. Accident has resulted in 78 deaths. Train driver, an experienced employee had already carried out many times that route, put brake too late.
Naples – Italy. A bus came with speed on the downhill portion, despite many speed limit signs, flew just over the bridge from the road and crashed 30 meters. At least 38 people died and ten others were wounded.