APPLE. According to research, ursolic acid, a substance in apple peel, offers many benefits like organisms, from stimulating the growth of muscle tissue to maintain control of cholesterol and blood sugar. Tea made from apple peels treat respiratory disease and beyond.
ORANGE. Orange peel contains a substance that was proven that prevent skin cancer if consumed regularly. Antioxidants from orange peel, 20 times stronger than those of the flesh, can significantly reduce cholesterol levels. Dried orange peels can be placed in bowls in several areas of the house or directly on the radiator to spread a pleasant smell. Also, place a few orange peels in the trash bucket before putting a bag over them to remove unpleasant smell.
PEACHES. Peaches are a fruit often neglected, but rind is good and consumers – nutrient-and light friction applied on the face for skin glow. Rich in potassium and vitamin A, peel helps revitalize skin and its consumption can stimulate the immune system, can remove toxins from the body, can protect your eyes from cataracts and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and arthritis.
PEARS. Rind of pears contain dietary fiber and vitamins needed for healthy digestion and nutrient in amounts greater than the pulp. It was also found that the peel pears are a substance that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.Vitamin K in the composition of the pear plays a role in blood clotting and bone formation. Vitamins C, E and copper act as antioxidants and protects the the organism from free radicals. These compounds of pear help fight infections, heart disease, certain cancers and helps regenerate cells and tissues.
BANANAS.Banana peel extract can ameliorate depression, being rich in serotonin. All shell is excellent for the eyes, that is abundant in lutein, which protects the eyes from the harmful action of ultraviolet light, protecting them from cataracts. Using banana peels can clean and polish silverware and your leather shoes. Then clean with a soft cloth traces left.
KIWI.Although “bristles” on the shell are not tempted to consume, kiwi peel has three times more antioxidants than the core, having anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and other allergens. Also, fight germs, such as staphylococci and E. coli. If you do not like the idea of eating a kiwi complete with peel, combining such fruit, complete with bark, with various others, in a salad, or passes it to a soda.
TOMATOES. Tomatoes peels are rich in vitamin C and lycopene, which help increase immunity and heart health than the core. No matter how you eat in salads or cooked in food, do not remove peel. Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, one tomato containing over 50% of vitamin C necessary for an adult. Also contain a large proportion of organic phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, oxalic acid and sulfur all this excellent for organism and our health.
CUCUMBERS. Eat cucumbers with all the shell for the content of silicon dioxide, a nutrient that helps to strengthen hair, nails, and that attenuates the signs of aging. Shells of this vegetables are full of enzymes, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, carbohydrates. Help normalize the digestive tract, are a good diuretic, protects the liver and stomach, and applied locally, heal damaged skin OF detergents and lower fever. Also, cucumber ate with peel regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
POTATOES. Potato peel contains ten times more antioxidants than the vegetable itself and has a high content of dietary fiber. New potatoes, for example, or baked can be eaten the whole peel. Rind thoroughly washed and boiled in water you can drink as cure for hypertension and rheumatism, has an remineralizing effect.