Nobody would have thought that this fragrant herb used in cooking of culinary delicacies hide a lot of benefits for our physical and mental health.
Thyme – in past centuries
Thyme is used since ancient times in the kitchen, thanks to its unique flavor. We meet both in ancient Greece as a spice followed by cooks and in Egypt, ironically, to embalm mummies. It was burnt with incense resulting the oil used in that process.
Thyme – a culinary delight
In the kitchen, thyme is used in various dishes such as baked beans, lentil, in preparation of pork and the venison. It is also widely used by housewives in preparation for winter pickles: the leaves and the stems are inserted into the jars with cucumbers and cabbage.
Health benefits
This herb is recommended by nutritionists in the natural treatment of various diseases. Thyme stimulates appetite and reduces symptoms of colic and prevents chronic gastritis. So it is a good ally of the stomach especially if we mention the facts that participate in fat metabolism. As respiratory diseases it reduces symptoms of bronchitis, of cough or congestion, participating in cleaning efficiency of the lungs. Treat laryngitis, bacterial plaques and throat irritation.
Thyme oil has a quite interesting utilization, being used in the composition of toothpaste, mouthwash and various ointments. The result? Prevents odours and tooth decay, used of course regularly.
Thyme has antiseptic properties (this is known since the sixteenth – century). Treats bacterial infections, fungal and viral infections and helps to eliminate worm.
Another property of thyme is that prevents and treats dandruff through correct and regular use, leaving hair clean and shiny.
Thyme enhances the general tonic. It stimulates the nervous system, relieves stress, bad mood, beat depression, insomnia and melancholy.
It is exceptional in reducing menstrual pain.
What contains the thyme?
Considering that we listed a number of diseases that can be treated with thyme is necessary to mention what it contains, given its efficiency. Thyme contains an oily substance called thymol, is rich in antioxidants, potassium, magnesium and the vitamins A, C and E. All of these improve brain and heart function and helps to prevent premature aging.
Let’s get the conclusions
Here is a plant with so many uses that you find in almost all gardens and is utilized in food preparation and pickles. Used both fresh and dried, the thyme participate in some way to improve your health and psyche. It is a strong ally of the immune mechanisms and helps in it’s effectively function preventing the illness.
Personally I would say that thyme tea is delicious and really help treat colds and flu. So, let’s enjoy a thyme tea for our health!
What do you think? Believe in the properties of thyme? Have you ever drunk thyme tea? Do not forget to leave a comment with your opinion!