Sold with auction houses or private agreements, the paintings are by far the highest rated art products, a type of investment that often proved extremely profitable.
It has always been involved huge amounts when it comes about the transaction of the famous and spectacular paintings, but the market has exploded in the past decade. An example is the famous Edvard Munch’s masterpiece “The Scream” which was sold in 2012 at Sotheby’s in New York with 119.9 million dollars, an absolute record for an art auction. However, the Norwegian painting occupies only the fifth place among the best sold pictures.
So here are ten best sold paintings in history:
1-Les joueurs de cartes, by Paul Cézanne, 1893, 97 × 130 cm, sold for 250-300000000 $ in 2011
2-No. 5, 1948, by Jackson Pollock, 1948, 240 cm × 120 cm, sold for 140.000.000 $ in 2006
3-Woman III, by Willem de Kooning, 1953, 172.7 cm × 123.2 cm, sold for 137.500.000 $ in 2006
4- Adele Bloch-Bauer I, by Gustav Klimt, 1907, 138 cm × 138 cm, sold for 135.000.000 $ in 2006
5-Der Schrei der Natur, by Edvard Munch, 1895, 91 cm × 73.5 cm, sold for 119.900.000 $ in 2012
6-Plateau de Sculpteur, by Pablo Picasso, 1932, 162 cm × 130 cm, sold for 106.500.000 $ in 2010
7-Garçon à la pipe, by Pablo Picasso, 1905, 100 cm × 81.3 cm, sold for 104.200.000 $ in 2004
8-Eight Elvises, by Andy Warhol, 1963, sold for 100.000.000 $ in 2008
9-Dora Maar au Chat, by Pablo Piacsso, 1941, 128,3 cm × 95,3 cm, sold for 95.000.000 $ in 2006
10-Adele Bloch-Bauer II, by Gustav Klimt, 1912, 190 × 120 cm, sold for 87.900.000 $ in 2006