Lose weight, develop your muscles and regain your well being, all with fun! Didn’t looks incredible? It should, because for that, there are reels. Their health benefits are endless, so you should not avoid them! Blood circulation is improved, so that people who suffer from heart failure or circulation problems can put their foot rolls in without any problem.
Did you know that roller skating is part of the sport that weak? Moreover, are better for health than jogging? Because the joints are gentler, train your muscles, your cardiovascular system and the respiratory one, rolls are ideal for all ages!
Health Allied….
Roller skating help you get a good physical condition. First of all, because it works on balance and center of gravity, improves your mobility, reflexes, endurance and strengthens, and last but not least, it regulate the heartbeat. However, with 50% less shock to the joints.
Blood circulation is improved, so that people who suffer from heart failure or circulation problems can put their foot rolls in without any problem.
Also, at chapter of muscles you will stay very good if you’re a fan of rollers. That’s like riding a roller develop leg muscles, thighs muscle and lower back area. If you move your arms , at the same time, you will work closely throughout all body.
And only now comes the good part: buttocks, thighs and your abs – all will be toned after a rollerblading session.
……and silhouette…!
Rollers benefits do not stop there! 30 minutes of skating burns 300 calories, the equivalent of a hearty meal. The principle on which works the weight loss is that your body stores slowly sugars in muscle and liver. Stimulating muscles by riding on rollers, they are converted into energy, not fat. And that thanks to the duration and distance you’re rolling, not for the speed. For example, in a half hour drive roller, scroll about 7 kilometers, while running you did not go more than 5, and that with more effort.
Aerobic Cardiovascular Benefits
– Increase aerobic benefits by skating in alert rhythm or downhill, but also you can climb enough to allow safe descent;
– Try inline skating on long distances at a slow and steady rhythm to increase your strength;
– Schedule your roller skate consistently to achieve long-term aerobic benefits.
Anaerobic benefits for muscle development
– Build strong muscles of the pelvis, hip and thigh, with regular activities inline skating on long distances;
– Fortified tendons, calf and buttocks muscles by combining forward and backward movements or other physical maneuvers when you skate;
– Allow activity balance that this sport needs to function, to stabilize the lower back muscles and abdominal muscles;
Reduced impact on joints
– Smooth skater for a low impact on the knees and back;
– Avoid twisting and sudden stops to avoid compromising the joints;
Increase flexibility
– Include a set of warmups and make slight stretch for stability and flexibility while skating;
– Profit after skating with a massage to reduce muscle tension, to enhance blood circulation and maintain flexible and elastic tissues.
Improve balance and coordination
– Use a squatting posture, with knees bent, to develop and maintain a better balance;
– Perform moves, spins and other challenges to balance on one leg, so when you are on roller skates, while skating and off.
Burn calories and reduce fat
– Burn 300 calories or more, every 30 minutes of skating at a steady pace;
– Burn 450 kcal or more in 30 minutes, by using of inline skating technique;
– You can burn more calories by skating in strength, steady pace;
– Devise a regular regime of inline skating, a long time to burn as many calories.
Benefits for mental health
– Enhance mental clarity and concentration, reduce stress and depression;
– Develop connectivity between mind and body through exercise, fitness and competitive inline skating activities.
So those who want to lose weight should go low speed, but a long time and the results will not delay to appear! But remember specific means of protection, especially if you are a beginner!