Propolis is known since ancient times as a natural and miraculous medicine . Today we try to present it as a product of exceptional therapeutic value, being seen as one of the most effective drugs found in nature.
Introduction into the World of Bees
Propolis, also called “bee glue” or “Russian penicillin” is an extremely valuable bee product. It consists of a mixture of resinous, sticky, greenish brown or brown, with pleasant aroma of resin and conditioners. Is processed by worker bees after collection of organic products from at least 20 species of coniferous trees that produces secretions namely buds of trees (poplar, birch, alder, chestnut, beech, ash, pine, fir), stems and young branches , petiole leaves and bark (willow, plum). To this resin material bees adds salivary gland secretions containing enzymes, wax and other biochemical compounds.
Both color and flavor of propolis and the chemical composition differs depending on the plant species from which bees collected raw materials. Harvesting is done in warm days with temperatures above 20C, when finished product becomes plastic.
From a beehive, wise beekeepers can harvest a quantity of 100-400 grams of propolis, depending on the area. The work consists in scraping from the walls of the hive bee glue layer which is maintained, then, in the form of lumps or in alcohol tincture.
The Chemical Composition of Propolis
The chemical composition was studied by many scientific institutions that have sought to explain the therapeutic and effects manifested in a variety of unhealthy conditions.
Biochemical analysis revealed a complex mixture of substances derived from plant sources that were collected by bees. In propolis there would be:
- 55% resins and balsams;
- 25-30% waxes;
- 10% aromatic essential oils, and
- 5% pollen.
In lower amounts are amino acids, enzymes, vitamins (A, B, D, E, PP), natural hormones, flavones, flavonoids, organic acids, as well as a complex of mineral salts elements, which are involved in the development of optimal physiological processes human and animal bodies.
It is worth recalling that ferulic acid is a powerful bactericide, destroying germs Gram-positive and Gram-negative.
The Therapeutic Effects of Propolis for Hive
The first observations and studies have sought to explain the reasons for which bees collect the propolis from spontaneous flora.
It was found that this preparation is used by bees for the interior lining hive’s walls with a glossy layer and sealed which prevents drafts inside. Thus are stopped all the cracks in the hive ,frames designed to increase the brood are disinfected and covered with a layer aseptic ,bodies of pests entered into the hive are killed by injecting bee venom.
The Therapeutic Effects of Propolis for Humans
Due to multiple chemical components, propolis is considered the most valuable bee product with a variety of therapeutic actions: antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, anti-toxic, anti-parasitic, epithelizant, healing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic, antitumor, anticancer, regenerating and stimulating immune system. Through these properties positively intervenes in relieving and healing many morbid conditions, physical and mental.
Bactericidal action was proven by cultures on different bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, Salmonella, Candida, Helicobacter). Intervenes in destroying intestinal parasites (Giardia). Through modern studies was tested sensitivity to propolis about 80 microorganisms showing that are destroyed 21 species of bacteria, 9 parasites and fungi and 30 kinds of viruses. For these effects, propolis is considered as the most powerful anti-infective medicine.
Due to antibacterial properties, anti-toxic and anti-inflammatory, propolis has proven effective in at least 200 asthmatic condition being considered as the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of natural therapy. Through bio-stimulating and bioregulatory effects acts, in particular, at the level of the hypothalamic nuclei. Special effects are obtained in the treatment of emphysema, pneumonia, silicosis, pulmonary tuberculosis and extrapulmonary.
There were found remarkable effects on capillary systems by reducing fragility and restoring elasticity peripheral blood vessels. In the treatment of arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis, reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood is efficient propolis tincture.
Favorable effects were mentioned in hyperacidity and ulcer gastritis, enteritis, colitis, acute and chronic hepatic steatosis, chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, viral diseases of the stomach and stimulating bile secretion.
Treatment with propolis has effects of blocking malignant cells, enhances the immune system and restores the organic balance of cancer patients. Treatment removes the adverse effects of cancer radiotherapy application.
In rheumatic diseases, propolis acts favorably in acute rheumatism, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
We can not talk about a conclusion when it comes about a natural remedy for health. On the contrary. Here are some diseases that can be treated successfully with propolis a product of nature. Treatments must be prescribed by a specialist doctor, as they differ from person to person, so the results being the best. So, do not forget! Health is better than all! Always make the best choices for you!