Most women of today suffer from this troublesome disease, which has quite a lot of unpleasant effects. For beautiful and healthy hair we must first analyze our health and look for the answer in us.
The main causes of dandruff are: deterioration of general health, poor diet, constipation and infectious diseases. Other factors contributing to dandruff are emotional stress, improper use of harsh shampoos, exposure to cold, fatigue and general exhaustion.
Here are some alternatives to eliminate dandruff, you can apply in your home:
♣ Dandruff can be removed by massaging the hair for half an hour with curd which has been left in the open air for three days. Another alterantiva to counteract dandruff is to dilute cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and dab your hair with this mixture using a floppy wool. Extra rinse after shampooing your hair with this mixture.
♣ After each use of the shampoo, dissolve 10 aspirins in a cup of warm water and massage the scalp approximately 10 minutes. Rinse with water in which you have added a few teaspoons of vinegar. Use this remedy for 1-2 weeks every time you wash your hair.
♣ Put 4 tablespoons of dried nettle leaves in 2 cups of hot water. Leave overnight the infusion. Stir and add a cup of vinegar. Massage the scalp.
♣ Stir in a container one cup with burdock leaves, 1 cup with peach leaves, 1 cup of chamomile flowers 1/2 cup of sage leaves. Pour 8 cups of apple cider vinegar in a large jar over which put on medicinal herbs. Leave to macerate for 2 weeks. Mix and apply the solution on the scalp morning and night without rinsing. Let composition to dry hair. Wait until the next day to wash. No need to use soap or shampoo, basically this treatment is to wash your hair. If you can, use plain water to rinse.
♣ Fenugreek seeds are very effective in fighting dandruff. Soak two tablespoons of this type of seeds let it over night in water and then mash them to a paste. Apply it on scalp and leave it on for half an hour. Wash the hair thoroughly.
♣Use a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice for the last rinse after washing your hair. This will not only give hair shine, but it will successfully eliminate dandruff and prevent its occurrence.
♣ Boil beets (both root and stem) in water. Massage the scalp with this solution for a few nights. The best for this purpose is white beet. Rinse your hair.
What you think of this remedies? Have you ever tried? Share us your opinion!