Notion defines a symptom of hypertension (high blood pressure systolic and diastolic) and not a disease. As symptoms, high blood pressure may be a consequence of functional or organic disorders, not just the heart or circulatory system, but also remote and quite other organs or body systems (if installed of hypertension as a consequence of suffering chronic renal or adrenal tumor called pheochromocytoma). It follows that the treatment of the symptoms of hypertension in other diseases can be treated concurrently with the underlying disease that induced the occurrence dysregulation of blood pressure.
High blood pressure can be cured as they eliminate the cause that produced it. In recent years, the medical world has settled term hypertensive disease as a state of suffering a primary cardiovascular system consequence of this, increased systolic blood pressure and / or diastolic. Therefore, in a totally different way it approach hypertension as a disease treatment (“hypertensive disease”).
These considerations we have presented only for the reason that we want to draw attention to the need of patients presenting to the doctor at the first signs of illness because it is the the only one able to determine the disease and its causes, and treatment of drug and dietary hygiene.
If the response to drug treatment that follow the patient depends on the stage of disease and evolution, the hygiene and diet will depend on the patient wish to heal, resisting food deprivation and some temptation of worldly life (coffee, tobacco, alcohol).
Hygienic and dietetic treatment is performed in large, changing eating habits and daily living conditions, which is more rest and a life as possible without emotions and psychological trauma.
It is important to improve working conditions of the individual, to require as little as possible the nervous system and the cardiovascular system (limited efforts, avoid high temperatures or, on the contrary, very low, prolonged state of mental tension). Diet is also very important and consists largely in the reduction from diet of sodium chloride and a lacto-vegetarian diet predominantly with sufficient caloric intake, especially in winter.
The amount of liquid will be reduced, but not drastically, except in cases where hypertension is associated with heart failure. Can help normalize blood pressure very well as adjuvant and some herbal products.
Treatment of Hypertension:
- Garlic cleanse best for blood vessels, but only in large amounts (1-2 cloves fresh daily). Garlic contains sulfide which reduce cholesterol.
- The first rule of the hypertensive patient diet is to consume less salt. Do not add salt to food and not eat foods that contain added salt, reduce the consumption of foods containing sodium bicarbonate, fish or smoked meat treated with sodium nitrate.
- Avoid foods such as butter, margarine, fatty meats, cheese, fried foods, sweets, etc. Of low-fat foods that you can consume with confidence are:
#The chicken or turkey in the oven, grilled or boiled (no skin), fish fillet muscle without fat #Skimmed milk, cheese, unsalted #Fruits and vegetables, frozen or dried #Cereals and bread with low-salt. |
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- Eat enough foods that contain essential fatty acids: fatty fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil.
- Eat foods rich in starch and fiber.They are a great substitute for fat, with a low calories content but high in vitamins and minerals. Among these foods mention fruits, vegetables, cereals, rice, peas and dried beans.
- Eat more calcium-rich foods such as dairy. Choose those with a low fat content.
- Potassium can lower blood pressure. The rich in potassium include bananas, tomatoes and peas.
- Minimize caffeine and drink very little alcohol.
- Salads shall be made with a little sunflower oil or olive oil and sour with lemon juice. Vegetable soups are allowed half plate at a meal with addition of noodles or rice.
- Fruits recommended are: cherry, black currant, strawberry, wild strawberries cherries, grapes, apples, lemons, kiwi, bananas, apricots, avocados. Are allowed fruit salads, baked apples, cakes without bicarbonate, dried dough prepared from cottage cheese filling, fruit or marmalade.
Teas for Hypertension:
- Hawthorn: 1 teaspoon to a cup (is hypotensive, dilates blood vessels, caronarian, myocardial tonic, stimulates the brain by increasing blood flow, improves oxygenation and nourish nerve cells).
- Motherwort (is a powerful cardiac sedative and nervous system. Removes nervous excitation, depressed mood, regulates heartbeat, helps insomnia and menopausal disorders. Has a hypotensive, diuretic and peripheral vasoconstrictor; is made infusion of three tablespoons of herb to 200 ml waterof which are taken three tablespoons a day.)
- Valeriana
- Flowers of lime
- Mint
- Lavender
- Green Tea
- Shepherd
- Pedic
- Leaves of artichoke (diuretic, choleretic, cholagogue, lowers cholesterol metabolism by helping the liver, shall be made a tablespoon herb infusion with a half liter of water, drink half in the morning and the rest before lunch and evening ).
- Sulfina (a diuretic, antiseptic, anti-catarrhal, anticoagulant).
- May be used the infusion of garlic. 80g powdered garlic, which is mixed with a quart of boiling water. It keeps a minute fire enamel pot coated. Leave to cool down and drink during the day. The treatment lasts 30 days.
- It is also recommended that propolis tincture prepared from 30g propolis crumbled in 100 ml alcohol 96 degrees. Allow to soak for 5-7 days. Take each 30 drops, two to three times daily before meals to normalize blood.
- Another product recommended is royal jelly. Take two or three tablets per day (kept under the tongue) for 20 days.
- It also recommended cure blackcurrant, blueberry cure and kiwi cure.
We recommend organizing leisure time in a pleasant way and restful, in relation to nature and concerns also respect each holiday. Sports can be practiced lightweight, bike rides and walking.
It is also recommended daily dry brushing entire body with a hairbrush. This brushing regulates blood circulation throughout the body, especially helping those with peripheral circulatory disorders.