Longing for adventure? You up for flirting? Elitist inclinations? Choose one perfume that represents you, or why not, different flavors for every special moment of your life. How are you and what perfume suits find using the guide below!
The perfume has its own language and reveal what words leave in suspension: states of mind, feelings. It combines the emotions with voluntary and involuntary memories and talking about how to connect with ourselves and with others. Therefore, our relationship with the perfume oscillates between attraction and repulsion.
Oscillation is because the smell is one of the five senses which is not related to neocortex, brain neutral zone and head of language, reasoning and decision. It is directly linked to the limbic brain, the seat of emotions. The phrase “I can not stand this fragrance” expresses, in fact instinctive emotional dimension of smell. Attraction for a perfume and repulsion for another is evidence of unconscious search of safety.
In addition, the smells are closely related to the first moments of life (skin odor mother, father, living environment, milk) and evoke familiar territory. “I remember a woman during a takeoff, terrified, was applying Shalimar perfume” says a seller of perfumes. She thus raises around her a kind of protective bubble.
It is said that the perfume is a weapon of seduction, since his erotic power is immense. Besides, when find yourself something of your own smell from another person, instantaneously attraction occurs and when that does not find anything, we can speak of a real break.
A couple always gets along well together and through olfactory link. Choosing a particular perfume is now, above all, the desire to attract the other near your own body. And the disturbance is even higher as the odors wake intimate fantasies and emotions. Language odors is complex, send messages that hide the sides of the personality and may confesses flaws, expectations and most intimate secrets.
What woman does not remember to have used staggering perfume during adolescence to hide shyness and to assert femininity just discovered? Any perfume evokes an archetype (Lolita, femme fatale, etc..) with identify the woman. This explains why some women are loyal to one perfume for life and others are somehow intimate search of the Grail.