The beginning of a relationship is the most beautiful time from a woman’s life. But often, from too much love ….. we do things wrong. There are certain attitudes that greatly harms a relationship: cheating, lying, lack of evidence, of affection and indifference that leads to the routine. These are extremely serious mistakes.
♠ Too Much Control
It looks like you do not trust in yourself and in others around you either. If you want to know everything about your partner, what is he doing, saying, how is breathing, he will feel suffocated and will have a good reason to leave you. Not deprive him of wanting to go out with his friends!
♠ Cheating
Neither men nor women do not think about consequences when cheating and do not realize how much it affects the other’s act. Any reliable disappears after all, from the moment that your partner finds out the truth. But that’s not all, once you’ve cheated, feeling good from that relationship disappears and becomes an ordeal.
♠ Too Many Arguments
Small fights are beneficial and should be closer and more, but sometimes things get out of control. To avoid your dispute to turn into a scandal, trying to calm down before talking with your partner and then do everything possible to stay calm. Do not shed your nerves on him for any stupidity.
♠ Lack of Emotional Support
Everyone wants to be loved and everyone has feelings, even not all look this in a relationship, you expect the other to give you unconditional love, respect and attention. If you do not give evidence of your affection, your partner will feel neglected and frustrated. Every man wants to be cuddled and loved.
♠ Boredom
Some relationships fall into routine. Both partners have imagined that life would be wonderful, would be nice one with the other, but with time it becomes easier to wallow in a situation which, in fact, it is not acceptable to any of you. Love Fire does not burn alone if you will not power it up. Give your attention, no matter how tired you are.
Which of these attitudes you find most wrong? Do not hesitate to share your opinion!