Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection that can affect both men and women. Approximately 2.5 million people are infected with gonorrhea each year. If you’re female and you’re infected, there are many opportunities to not show any symptoms until it reaches serious injuries, while 95% of men gonorrhea triggers clear symptoms in the early days. Gonorrhea is caused by a gonococcus (spherical bacteria). Currently gonorrhea is the most common sexually transmitted disease, being known since antiquity.
Bacteria can multiply and grow in warm areas, moist female reproductive tract, including the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and in the urethra in women and men. It can develop also in other areas of the body such as the mouth, throat, eyes and anus.
Gonorrhea is most commonly transmitted through sexual contact. It is a widespread infection which in some cases causes no symptoms, especially in female patients. Abstaining from sex, using condoms during sex and monogamous relationships are the best ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections.
Causes of Gonorrhea Infection
Gonorrhea is caused by bacteria known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It is transmitted from one person to another during sex, the sexual intercourse meaning vaginal, anal or oral sex. Is not necessary that a man to ejaculate to transmit the infection, it can spread through lubricating fluids that occur during intercourse.
Can not get gonorrhea infection by touching objects such as a toilet seat but the disease can contact by using for example a towel contaminated by another user.
The risk of gonorrhea is higher if you have a new sexual partner, more than one sexual partner, or if you have had gonorrhea before. People who have had gonorrhea and have been treated can become infected again if they have sexual contact with a person infected with gonorrhea.
Symptoms of Gonorrhea
For women the symptoms of gonorrhea may include:
- Vaginal itching or abnormal vaginal discharge
- Vaginal bleeding
- Pain or burning during urination
- Pain during vaginal intercourse
- Itching or anal discharge
- Abdominal pain or pelvic
In men the most common symptoms of gonorrhea are:
- Painful urination
- Pus white to yellowish or bloody
- Swollen and painful testicles
- Frequent need to urinate
- Intense abdominal pain
- Redness and irritation at the tip of the penis.
Infection of the mouth or throat area (pharyngeal gonorrhea) can cause throat pain, discomfort or pain when chewing or swallowing. Infection rectum (anal gonorrhea) can occur among homosexual men or women who practice anal sex. Symptoms of this condition may be purulent rectal secretions, constipation, pain or constant need to defecate.
Treatment Against Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea treatment is the same for women and men. Most doctors recommend antibiotic treatment, which is administered once a day (single dose). If the recommended treatment is followed , the patient will not be retested for gonorrhea. However, if you continue to have symptoms, you should consult your doctor again.
Treatment of sexual partner – treatment is important for the patient concerned and for people who recently had sex. The doctor will ask the patient to advise all sexual partners to come to the doctor to be tested and receive treatment even if you do not show any symptoms. It is also recommended to avoid sexual contact until patient and partner, all partners are treated and healed completely. If there are not respect these guidelines it is possible that a person who had gonorrhea to reinfection after a sexual contact with someone who has gonorrhea and not been treated.