Wake up early. Do sports and reading. Make always a priority list and update it throughout the day. No stalling during lunch and customary to consider the calories you consume at each meal. Do not gossip and make time to volunteer. What, you do not yet part of the upper stratum of society? People with above-average incomes endorse some habits that guarantee professional success.
“I realized that is more about habits, daily activities, these are the reasons behind your wealth or poverty, not what happens in business,” says Tom Corley.
Financial Advisor, he spent five years observing over 350 people “rich” and “poor”, analyzing how they live, work and sleep. Everything is explained in detail in the book that he published from this study, “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals”. In Corley’s book, the two groups were analyzed according to the criteria of American society and media. The “rich” are defined as those with annual incomes equal to or greater than $ 160,000 and who already have fortunes of at least $ 3.2 million and “poor” are those with annual incomes less than $ 30,000 and with assets of less than $ 5,000. Corley’s study revealed some startling statistics.
Wake up early. 44% of rich people who participated in the study is wake up at 6.00 in the morning. In the two to three hours before leaving office, focuses on personal improvement, reading educational materials, newspapers, and blogs specializing in business. Before you go make time for physical training, which Corley says he’s done more productive.
Make lists. When you get to the office, the rich do not waste any time. Many make their list of daily duties and carry out the 70% of points on them. And 70% of wealthy individuals who were studied by Corley its remit and objectives are long-run list. Without frequent long pauses among rich habits not found relaxants and long lunches. In fact, 55% of these people use the lunch break to socialize, to create professional connections and do business.
Count your calories. “Rich people are healthy people. For the rich, being healthy means that you can make more money, “explains the author. The majority of this category, limit their consumption of alcohol and unhealthy food to 300 calories per day. “If you are healthy, have fewer days when health problems prevent them do their job, play sports, have more energy, maintain health for life so that they can have long careers.”
No gossip. 79% of those with low incomes track of Corley admit that they gossip. Only 6% of rich say they do that.
Stay less on Facebook. After a day of work, not stand in front of the TV like a vegetable, but do not go either to the nearest bar. Most of the rich devote their evenings socializing and volunteering work. Meanwhile, a high percentage of low income people lose their evenings on the internet and spend time, daily, on Facebook.