Professional habits can determine the quality of life, since most adults spend most of the day at work. Environment can be a source of stress, anxiety and illness or can turn into a source of enthusiasm, proactivity and existential satisfaction.
What make people happy during the service program is the key to a more fulfilling life, in which the effects of negativity, fatigue and stress do not make their presence felt.
Positive Behaviour at Work
Undoubtedly, professional activities require a great deal of energy and time resources available to adults everywhere. But how they are invested and speculated makes the difference between happy employees, the indifferent and the truly unhappy with their profession.
Developing healthy habits can be the secret to regaining the smile at work and the joy of living.
1. Customizing the Workspace
A study conducted by the University of Exeter, UK, has shown that much of the happiness felt in the workplace lies the possibility of customizing their own office.
The research findings showed that employees participants in the study felt not only more motivated when they were allowed to decorate as they like workspace, but even experienced productivity by 32% higher than normal.
2. Anticipating Moments of Relaxation
A research conducted by the International Society for Quality of Life in 2010 showed that employees are happiest before leaving on vacation until after returning from vacation. This means that anticipating moments of detente and relaxation is what most instill the joy and enthusiasm. Thus, employees with high psychological tone are those who schedule several vacations throughout the year (not an extended vacation once a year). Through these regular breaks the cycles of stress are frequently stopped before create frustration and heightened feelings of fatigue
3. Positive Facial Expressions
People who smile often, even for no obvious reasons to do so are happier at work. This phenomenon is not explained by mood triggered smile, but also by the fact that mimics is contagious.
Psychologists say that an excellent way to find out if others perceive it as a person is to observe carefully their facial expressiveness. If the caller seems anxious, distracted or tired, try changing your gestures and smile so that person which looks at you to emulate your behavior. Propagation of a positive attitude helps liveliness of others and thus improve the working climate.
4. Adopting Constructive Perspective on Things
Employees really happy are those who choose to adopt the best perspective on things. Specifically, when a superior enter into office, he can be perceived as a source of stress and threat , or as a human being, mentor and the key of professional evolution. People who choose to give head tags in the second category are those who get to know professional satisfaction.
Other studies have found that when employees are trained to perceive reactions caused by stress (rapid pulse, alert, etc.) as being helpful, instead of destroying, they give a better efficiency in work and not shows significant increases in stress.
5. Deviation from Paycheck Thought
When employees think every day how much they win at the workplace, they deprives the pleasures derived from other activities more enjoyable. A study made by University of Toronto professors found that even surfing on the internet or listening to their favorite music is no longer so relaxing when an employee thinks about how much he earns.
Moreover, the concentration of thoughts on money results in the desire to socialize with staff, which more inhibits the feeling of happiness, according to a study conducted by Wharton University of Pennsylvania, USA.
6. Offering Aid to Colleagues
A research conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that employees who helps coworkers are happier. The study shows that altruistic people at work are 10 times more motivated than selfish and they have more chances to get a promotion.
Another experiment conducted by researchers Wharton University of Pennsylvania, U.S., found that employees who devote between 10 and 30 minutes a day to help others feel more capable, more self confident and more useful. Psychologists say that in addition to the results obtained by fulfilling professional duties, people still need human connection and give meaning to their lives.
7. Limiting the Number of Daily Decisions
Another professional custom of happy people at work is to reduce the number of decisions that are taken in a day’s work. To maintain mental strength, the correct judgment and emotional self-control, it requires a limitation of choice during the program, say psychologists. Requested willpower decisions is similar to a muscle, which comes to be weakened by overuse.
Therefore, it is essential not to consume the resources of attention, energy and time in the direction of less important decisions. Set the night before the next day’s priorities and focus on those that are truly urgent and meaningful.