It’s the trend to be weak, dieting and have a healthy lifestyle. But it is just as fashionable to be obsessed to lose pounds and have the impression you’re healthy? Ones to Time say this is just one of the many myths about weight loss, which should be clarified.
You can not be fat and fit.
Physical condition is as important as weight is for health. A 2012 study shows that as long as you have a good physical condition, overweight and obese people have a higher risk of developing heart disease than other individuals who have a body mass index (BMI) normal. When it comes to premature death is not necessarily important how much fat a person has, but rather what type of fat has individual. Visceral fat or abdominal area is considered more harmful to metabolism than fat that sits just below the skin surface. Visceral fat that lies deeper in the muscles and organs (such as liver), release agents that can disrupt the body’s energy balance, turning calories into fat. Weak people can have high levels of visceral fat, while overweight people may carry more subcutaneous fat. So it is possible that an overweight person have a better physical condition than a weak person.
You can eat whatever you want as long as you exercise to lose weight.
False. The most effective way to lose weight is that you adjust your calorie intake and start exercising. A few minutes are enough to consume 140 calories in a can of soda, instead, to burn them you need at least half an hour of moderate walking on the strip. But think about how long you should spend in the gym every day if you eat sweets, dishes from fast-food and fizzy drinks.
To get rid of obesity, children should lose weight.
As they grow, children gain weight. Nothing serious, as long as do not affect their health. In a new study, scientists from the National Institutes of Health have developed a mathematical model to make the difference between weight “healthy” and those few extra pounds that can lead to obesity. The model is based on a system that accurately evaluates both the number of calories consumed by a child and the efficiency with which burns fat. But, estimates the ratio of the amount of muscle and bone in the body. Results showed that some of the children can overcome obesity once reached puberty, if not lose weight. This occurs because the obesity depend not only weight but also the ratio of height and weight, mean body mass index. Once the children grow, they turn fat into muscle tissue, which can weigh as much or even more than fat tissue. Therefore, children with a high BMI, which could suggest that are obese can not even be overweight. However, researchers argue that it is good to teach children to control their portions and maintain a balance between eating and physical activity that they do to burn calories.
To lose weight you need to do gentle exercise and long.
Fitness experts are trying to inform that this myth is wrong. “It is true that the body burns proportionally more calories of fat than carbohydrate calories when doing long exercise, but if we increase the intensity of exercise will burn more calories from both categories” director of the Pritikin Longevity Center.
ATTENTION! Be careful though when you put in your mind to lose weight. If do not eat anything, does not mean you will lose weight. It’s most likely to become ill, and one of the most dangerous diseases is anorexia.