The idea to start a restrictive diet terrifies you? We perfectly understand … But if you do not want get off an impressive number of pounds, you can implement in your life some weight loss recipes long term effect. Every meal of the day can be improved by cutting calories without feeling!
1. Start the day with 10-15 grams of protein to decrease garlin (a hormone that stimulates appetite). Eggs are a good source of protein, and moreover, quench hunger onlong term.
2. Eat a grapefruit instead of a juice drink. Fiber fruit are more filling and naringenin, a flavonoid in grapefruit help you lose weight.
3. Use measuring cups for breakfast. Fruits, nuts, milk, yogurt, honey seem harmless but if you eat them in excessive amounts prevents you reach your desired weight.
Lunch suggestions
4. Brush your teeth after every meal or snack you might not be tempted to eat the less healthy goodies brought by colleague at work.
5. Do you like sandwiches? Use in instead of butter or cream cheese, peanut butter or almond. Good fats help you lose faster belly fat.
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6. If you prefer rolled sandwiches, instead pita or tortilla use large leaves of spinach.
7. Double the amount cooked for dinner to remain enough food for lunch at work.
Weight loss recipes for dinner
8. Studies say that if you want to lose weight should have dinner at 18:15. Kinda hard considering that many of us are still on the road. But if you overcome 19:00 should prepare an easy dinner, consisting of a salad with light dressing and vegetable soup.
9. Chew gum while cooking so as not to be tempted to taste 2 to 2 minutes. It’s not healthy, but if you can refrain, do this!
10. Do not watch TV while eating. Although it’s very nice to combine the two activities you will focus on movie and you will lose track of eaten foods.