Mint was a beloved plant since ancient times due to its flavor and taste and medicinal properties. Thus, mint has been used in medicine, cosmetics, aromatherapy, and in food.
The mint has been assigned a legend in Ancient Greece. “Mentha” was a nymph really beautiful that God of Darkness (Inferno) was in love. The goddess Persephone, his wife became jealous of the nymph, so he buried it, not to be seen again by her husband. But Pluto was deeply moved by the suffering nymph and transformed her into a good smelling plant that brings many benefits to people. Today mint is extensively used in aromatherapy, medicine or hygiene products (toothpaste), nutrition, cosmetics, etc..
Mint benefit the digestive tract, breathing, liver, gall bladder (gall), circulation, having a powerful effect on the nervous system:
– Mint juice consumed in the diet stimulates biliary secretion and emptying of bile into the intestines, facilitating the digestion of fats, improves blood circulation;
– Mint tea is good in biliary problems and decrease gallstones (gallstones) and detoxifies the body;
– Remove intestinal disorders, treating diarrhea, flatulence and intestinal cramps;
– Disinfect, another aspect that prevents infection by gastric tube and have antibiotic effects slightly;;
– Prevents respiratory infections, strongly volatile menthol – a substance that contains large quantities of mint leaves and flowers. Mint is also useful in treating colds, respectively breathe vapor of menthol (infusion, oils etc);
-As external use, refreshes skin, rejuvenates, increases subcutaneous circulation is helpful for poor peripheral circulation (cold hands or feet are held every evening in hot water with 30 drops of Mint half a tub). Relieves muscle and joint pain, the rheumatism and arthritis;
– Eliminate feet fatigue, use a dilution 5 tablespoons olive oil with 10 drops of peppermint oil and lemon juice and brush the shins delicate, a thin layer every night.
-It is a great nerve tonic and is useful as aromatherapy during periods of mental strain;
– Mint inhibit aggression – is the conclusion reached by a group of Italian researchers;
– Peppermint is useful to those coughing, for example smokers, but not just the cold. Help eliminate sputum. Mint is useful in the treatment of chronic fatigue and relieves headaches. It is also useful in acne treatments and other skin irritations;
Very important:
– Do not give mint to children under 7 years, even in the form of sweetmeats, candy or chewing gum;
– Pregnancy and lactation;
– If track the homeopathic treatment.